Choosing a Tree Surgeon


Tree surgery is difficult, time consuming, and often highly dangerous work. Finding the right person to take care of it for you could save you from injury, damage to property, and even legal difficulties. But choosing the best company isn’t easy, when so many cowboys out there could actually make things worse, not better. In this article we’ll help you spot the warning signs, and learn how to pick a company who will give you great results and keep you protected.

What Can a Tree Surgeon Do for You?

A good tree surgeon will take all of the stress out of tree work for you. Whether you’re looking for a full tree removal, some hedge trimming or just some advice, using a professional is always a good idea.

Keep you protected

First and foremost, using a tree surgeon takes as much risk out of tree surgery as possible. The best tree surgeons will have health and safety specialists, and be fully trained to use the proper safety equipment. What’s more, they will know how to take care of even the largest trees without damaging your property.

What’s even better is that in the highly unlikely event of an accident occurring, if you’ve used a reputable tree surgeon, they will be fully insured and legally liable for any injury or damage.

Tree surgeons working in Farnham together

Work to the highest standards

Even though our tree surgeons might make it look easy, tree surgery is extremely complex work. Getting the outcome you want is harder than you might think, and using a professional is the only way to guarantee that you’ll get the best results.

A good tree surgeon will be qualified, properly trained, and highly experienced. That’s how you know their work will be of the highest standard. They will also have the right equipment and be fully trained in how to use it safely and effectively.

But this service goes beyond the work on the trees themselves; it also means that they will look after your property too. A good tree surgeon will work in a highly professional way, clearing away debris as they work and leaving you with no mess to clear up.

Protect the trees and environment

People undertaking tree work without the right qualifications might not realise the amount of damage they’re doing to a tree. This is a key difference between an amateur tree surgeon and a properly qualified arborist. If you find a tree surgeon who is also qualified in arboriculture, you can be sure that the health of the tree will be protected.

A conscientious tree surgeon will also think carefully about where and how to dispose of any waste wood. Cowboy tree surgeons will leave this behind or dump it somewhere where it could harm the environment. Professional tree surgeons will have thought about the best way to dispose of waste wood in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Crane fed chipping for biomass

What to Look for When Choosing a Tree Surgeon

But how can you know for sure if a tree surgeon really offers everything you’re looking for? We’ve got some top tips about the things to look out for that should give you confidence that you’re working with a reputable company.

Check their credentials

Probably the most important thing of all is that you check that the tree surgeon has the proper qualifications, insurance, and professional accreditations. At Climbers Way Tree Care, you can always find these details on the About Us page, or by getting in touch directly.

All of our team members are fully qualified and insured, and we’re very proud to hold a number of professional accreditations, including being an ARB approved tree surgery, the gold standard for arborists.

The Arboricultural Association
TrustMark Government Endorsed Standards
Proud Members of Checkatrade
City & Guilds NPTC

Check the quality of their work

The next most important thing is to find out more about the tree surgeon’s work. A quality tree surgeon will have many years of experience and will want to shout about the work they’ve done to date.

You should also find out whether the tree surgeon works to the British Standards for tree surgery. A key one to look for is BS 3998, which is the expected standard all professional tree surgeons should work to.

At Climbers Way Tree Care, we have decades of experience, just some of which is shown on our Testimonials page. Here you can see our previous work and hear from some of our satisfied customers. All of our work is conducted according to BS 3998, so you can have total confidence in the quality of our work.

Look for professional service

If the company has all of the above, you’re probably onto a winner. The last thing to look for, which might set a company apart from the competition, is the level of service they offer. You should ideally go with a company that has good customer service from the outset, including offering free quotations, and making it simple to contact them.

They should also provide details of how they’ll conduct themselves on site – such as keeping your property clear of debris, and what happens with the waste wood at the end of the job.

At Climbers Way Tree Care, we are proud of the priority we place on our customer service. You can get a free, online quote with just a few pictures, and can easily get in touch with our expert team with any questions or to book an on-site consultation.
Climbers Way Tree Care Team

This level of service continues all the way through the job. We will treat your property with the utmost respect, clearing away all debris throughout and at the end of the job, and disposing of it responsibly at a biomass plant.

Climbers Way Tree Care offer you professional service, peace of mind, and the very best results for your garden. Get in touch today to find out why we’re the right choice for your tree surgery needs.

Disposing of waste wood in an environmentally friendly way is more important than ever. Let us take care of it for you.

If you’re having work done on your trees or hedges, you’ll be amazed at how much waste wood is created. The UK currently produces around 5 million tonnes of waste wood every year, two-thirds of which is low quality offcuts that can’t be effectively re-used.

Getting rid of this waste in an environmentally responsible way is vital to help combat climate change, though it can be time consuming and expensive. If you don’t want to risk contributing to the growing landfill problem, you’ll need to hire a professional to dispose of your waste responsibly.

At Climbers Way Tree Care, not only will we clear up all waste wood produced from work we conduct, we’ll also make sure the wood is used in the most environmentally friendly way possible. In this guide we’ll help you understand more about what we do with your waste wood. Want to know more? Get in touch and we’ll talk you through our environmental commitments.

What can be done with different types of waste wood?

First let’s talk through the types of waste wood that are created from different tree and hedge works. Collectively these are referred to as arisings.

Brushwood refers to small branches and other smaller pieces of debris created by tree surgery. This can come from either trees or hedges. For instance, when we undertake crown thinning or crown reductions, we would expect a large quantity of brushwood to be created.

Timber refers to larger pieces of wood, such as wood created by tree felling, or from removing larger branches of a tree. Removing an entire tree naturally creates a huge quantity of timber.

Timber carried away by trailer.

Many people don’t realise that you can’t put arisings into your normal garden waste bin. If you were to undertake tree or hedge work yourself, you would either need to dispose of the offcuts yourself by taking them to the tip, or arrange for a specialist wood recycling company to take it away. In either of these situations there is no guarantee that the wood will be disposed of responsibly. Whilst good quality wood can be reused in various ways, most arisings are too low-quality and could even be sent to landfill.

Whatever the job, and whatever arisings are created from the work, our tree surgeons will always keep your garden or site clear of debris, and dispose of all brushwood and timber responsibly at the end of the job. We know that environmentally-friendly business practices are more important than ever, and we’re committed to doing our bit to help combat climate change.

Both brushwood and timber can be used to create wood chippings. We process brushwood into wood chippings on site, before transporting them away for onward use. We remove timber whole, taking it away to another site to convert it to wood chippings.

A crane-fed woodchipper in action

What do tree surgeons do with wood chippings?

Wood chippings can be very useful. They can be used for paths, animal bedding, or even composted down into mulch which can help your garden. However, there is a growing industry in converting wood chippings into biomass to use in power generation. According to the Wood Recyclers Association, 3.1 million tonnes of waste wood is used in this way, creating enough energy to supply one million UK households.

Timber requires special equipment to effectively convert it into wood chippings. However, once chipped, it burns at a higher temperature than brushwood, making it even more effective as a fuel source for power generation. Brushwood is easier to handle and can be chipped on site, after which it can be transported directly to a biomass processing plant.

At Climbers Way Tree Care we have the equipment and expertise to deal with and transport your waste wood. We have chippers which will deal with brushwood on site, giving us wood chippings we can take to the biomass processing plant. With timber, we’ll transport the wood to a separate site to have it chipped with specialist equipment, after which it’s taken to the biomass processing plant.

Crane-fed wood chipper with a huge pile of woodchip. A tree surgeon stands on top of the pile.

We are committed to ensuring that all waste wood is disposed of responsibly. Get in touch today to find out how we’ll complete your job in an environmentally friendly way.

What’s the difference between an arborist and a tree surgeon?

If your trees or hedges need some care and attention, using a professional is the only way to be certain of getting the best results, with no stress. But you might be wondering what the difference is between tree surgeons and arborists, and which one you should use for your garden.

The terms tree surgeon and arborist (or arboriculturalist) are often used interchangeably, but they are subtly different professions. A very simple way of describing the difference is that tree surgeons know where to cut a tree, whereas arborists know why. Arborists study trees at a biological level and know how to keep them safe and healthy. Good, qualified tree surgeons will still have extensive knowledge of how to treat trees, but tend to focus more on the specific work required.

The level of qualification is an important difference between arborists and tree surgeons. Tree surgery is complex and dangerous work, and as such all tree surgeons should be qualified, as all of our tree surgeons are. However, for someone to be called an arborist means that they must have qualifications in arboriculture, and could even be educated up to masters degree level. Watch out for those who misuse these job titles – always check the level of qualification your tree surgeon or arborist holds to be sure that you’re receiving a truly professional service.

When do you need a tree surgeon?

Woking Tree Surgeons Cutting a Tree

Qualified tree surgeons will be able to help you with any tree or hedge work required in your garden. They should be fully trained and qualified to undertake work safely, regardless of the height and location of the work required. They will be experienced in all aspects of tree work, such as crown reduction or thinning, crown raising, tree removal, and stump removal. They will have the right equipment and know how to use it safely.

When do you need an arborist?

An Arborist looking at a tree in Southampton

Qualified arborists can help you fully understand the health of a tree and what works are required to keep it healthy, or bring a damaged tree back to full health. They will be able to fully assess trees and hedges, and even the soil they’re planted in, and recommend work to be undertaken.

Using a fully qualified arborist is also very important if you’re undertaking any commercial work. Some planning regulations will require that an arborist is used to assess trees in the vicinity of building or demolition works.

The real secret? You need both!

In reality, for any successful tree work to be undertaken, you need both arborists and tree surgeons working together. Arborists will understand the health of the tree and what work should be undertaken to maximise the health of the tree long-term. Tree surgeons will bring their deep expertise of conducting tree works to ensure that work on the tree is carried out safely and effectively. This combination of skills means that your garden will look great, and your trees and hedges will be healthy and happy for years to come.

At Climbers Way Tree Care, we have fully qualified arborists AND tree surgeons on our team. We think this is essential to give you the best possible service, and total peace of mind. We have decades of experience undertaking a huge range of tree works, backed up with qualifications and professional memberships, giving you total confidence in our abilities.

Have a look at our services page to see the range of work we offer, then get in touch for a free, no-obligation quote, to find out what we can do for your garden.

There are many reasons you might want to fell a tree on your property. Perhaps the tree is dying or diseased, or just in the way and causing a nuisance. Before you conduct any work on trees on your property, and certainly before you cut one down, you should be sure that you have all necessary permissions. If you don’t, you could be opening yourself up to serious fines and penalties. At Climbers Way Tree Care, our experienced tree surgeons can provide expert advice and guidance, or even take care of these permissions on your behalf, free of charge.

Climbers Way Tree Care Tree Surgeons up a tree

In this guide we’ll help you understand the various ways a tree can be legally protected, and the potential consequences of not obtaining the right permissions.

Things You Should Consider Before Cutting Down a Tree on Your Property

There are three key things to bear in mind before you undertake any work on a tree on your property: Do you own the tree; is the tree protected; and do you need any additional permissions? Some of these issues are complex, and if you get them wrong you could face significant fines.

Do you own the tree?

This probably seems like an obvious place to start, but is not always as straightforward as it seems. If the tree is on your property and not otherwise protected, then you have the right to conduct any required work, including felling it. However, things get more complicated if the tree straddles a border with a neighbouring property. In this instance, ownership depends on where the tree was originally planted. If your neighbour owns the tree, then you will need their permission before felling it. If you rent your home, you would need permission from your landlord before undertaking any work.

Is the tree covered by any protections?

Before undertaking any work on a tree on your property, you should check if it is legally protected. There are two main ways a tree can be protected: Tree Protection Orders (TPOs), and Conservation Areas. Check out our previous article on tree protections to understand more about how to deal with these. If you were to undertake work on a protected tree without necessary Council permissions, you could face a substantial fine. Our tree surgeons are used to working with Councils to obtain these permissions, and would be happy to take care of these permissions on your behalf.

Do you need any other permissions?

It’s not only TPOs and Conservation Areas you need to think about. Depending on where you live, and where your tree is, you might need additional permissions. If the tree is on non-residential property, such as in woodlands, you will likely need a felling licence from the Forestry Commission. These are complex licences, and permission is based on the volume of the timber to be cut, and the variety of tree. Our tree surgeons are experienced in both residential and commercial tree felling, so will be able to assess the job and help you understand the licences that might be required.

If you are in a new-build home, you might find that trees on your property are covered by conditions in the original planning permission. You can check your plans and any conditions supplied to you when you purchased your home to check what permissions you might need.

Stihl chainsaw being used to cut a branch

What Are the Consequences if You Don’t Get the Right Permissions?

If you fail to get the right permissions to cut down a tree in your garden, you could face significant fines or other penalties. If you cut down a tree which is covered by a Tree Protection Order, for example, you could face a fine of up to £20,000 and be forced to plant a tree in its place.

If you were to cut down a tree which is not owned by you, you could be sued for damage to property by the person who owns the tree. Not to mention the significant damage that could be done to the relationship with your neighbour.

If you cut down trees in woodland without the required felling licences, you could be fined £2,500 or more. You could also be left responsible for planting and maintaining new trees in the same area. These restocking orders can require you to maintain the trees for up to ten years.

How We Can Help Take the Stress Away

Our tree surgeons have a huge amount of experience dealing with protected trees. We have a detailed knowledge of the various permissions required to undertake work on trees in both residential and commercial locations. We will even take care of requesting necessary permissions from the Council for you, free of charge, before undertaking any work.

Safety is always our primary concern, so damage to property is highly unlikely. However, our tree surgeons are also all fully insured in the event that there is any damage to property caused by our tree works.

Our tree surgeons take all of the stress out of tree work. You can be confident that all legal permissions, safety measures, and insurance are taken care of.

Get in touch today to talk through your plans, and we’d be happy to provide a free, no-obligation quote.

What Do Tree Surgeons Do?

Southampton based tree surgeon up a tree

You may be wondering exactly what a tree surgeon does when they take on a job. Or perhaps you’re looking for some tree or hedge work and aren’t sure what you can expect, or what to ask for. Our qualified tree surgeons cover all aspects of a job, including safety, insurance, permissions, and of course the work itself, which will be completed to the highest standards.

This guide will help you understand the range of roles and responsibilities our tree surgeons undertake for every job. Want to know more? Just get in touch and we’d be happy to tell you about our work.

There is a lot more to tree surgery than chopping branches and felling trees. Tree surgery is a complex, and potentially dangerous task. That’s why all of our tree surgeons are fully qualified and insured for every job. Tree surgeons take all of the stress out of tree work by taking care of safety and legal requirements, and will always give you the very best results.

Quality, Professional Work

One of the main benefits of using a professional tree surgeon is that you’re guaranteed the best results. Between them, our team members have decades of experience completing jobs of all sizes, so you can be confident that your job will be finished to our very high standards. From the moment you contact us to discuss your needs, you’ll receive expert advice and friendly, professional customer service.

Whether you’re looking for hedge trimming, crown reduction, or tree felling and stump grinding, our tree surgeons have the tools and experience to give you a perfect finish every time. This also means protecting the trees themselves; our qualified arborists understand how to conduct the work in a way that ensures that no damage is done to the overall health of the tree.

Throughout the job our tree surgeons work quickly, safely and with complete professionalism. We take care of all tidying of the site and removal of any cut timber and brushwood, leaving you with nothing to do but enjoy your garden!

Woking Tree Surgeons Cutting a Tree

Tree surgeons cutting up a giant tree trunk

Keep You on the Right Side of the Law

There are a number of areas where, if you’re not careful, you could quickly get on the wrong side of the law if you don’t hire a professional tree surgeon. When you’re undertaking any work on trees and hedges on your land, there is a potential for damage to property, injury to yourself and others, or even a chance you could be breaking the law.

When undertaking work on trees and hedges, you are liable for the work undertaken and any resultant damage or injuries. Our tree surgeons are all fully insured against personal injury and damage to property. This takes all of the stress out of the job for you, and protects against potentially expensive litigation.

We are also experts at dealing with councils and local authorities regarding protected trees. We take care of all permissions needed, free of charge, before undertaking any work. Again this could help you avoid significant fines if you were to inadvertently damage a protected tree.

Prioritise the Safety of Everyone on Site

Safety is always our top priority, so we start every job with a full assessment of the site. This gives us a chance to decide what safety measures will be needed, and also start to plan how we’ll obtain the best results from the work. We hear too many sad stories of people hurting themselves and others by trying to take on too much themselves, so we believe that it’s important that the dangers of this profession are well understood.

Southampton tree surgeons supervising a site before work commences.

Is Tree Surgery Dangerous?

According to the UK Government Health and Safety Executive, in the past ten years nearly 1400 tree surgeons and arborists have been injured whilst conducting tree work, with 24 sadly losing their lives. That is why they insist that tree surgery “is highly skilled work and those carrying out the work must be fully trained and be competent to carry out the job”. But how dangerous is tree surgery, and why?

Car Damaged by Fallen Tree
Incorrectly carried out tree surgery is dangerous to people and property!

All tree surgery work is dangerous, both for the individuals carrying out the work, and those in the vicinity of the work being carried out. Injuries can occur to individuals up in trees, and those on the ground as a result of falling trees and branches. It is especially dangerous to conduct tree work alone, which is why our tree surgeons always work in a team when the work requires it. They use all necessary safety equipment to minimise any risks to themselves and others.

Tree surgery is also dangerous due to the damage that can be caused to property. Falling branches and trees can cause substantial damage to homes, fences and other garden items. Our tree surgeons are experts at controlling trees and branches as they are removed, to ensure that they fall safely and away from any property.

A tree surgeon attached to a crane cable preparing to be hoisted into the canopy to dismantle a beech tree

Head over to our video page to see some examples of how our team uses the right equipment to ensure everyone’s safety.

If you’re in any doubt about whether to use a professional tree surgeon for your job, just get in touch for a free, no obligation quote, and we’d happily talk you through our work.


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